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Great Tips On Locating Wholesalers In UK

February 4th, 2011

Drop shipping is one of the most lucrative businesses you can possibly manage from the comfort of your home. To put it simply, drop shipping means acting as a reseller to ship products directly from thesupplier to customers. Instead of purchasing stock from wholesalers in UK, the reseller collects orders from customers, forwards it to the seller has the products directly shipped to the customers.

Drop shipping would be a great business option for retailers who do not have adequate space to stock products. Retailers may also choose drop shipping to avoid the hassles of maintaining stock and shipping it to customers. This explains why the majority of resellers of dropshippers in UK are direct retailers or ecommerce marketers.

This innovative business model offers a win-win situation for all – the suppliers, drop shipper and customer. Trade companies get more orders for their products. The drop shipper makes good profits by purchasing products at possible rates and selling at retail prices. Moreover, the customers get exclusive products plus excellent customer service.

To make maximum profits from drop shipping, the reseller must collaborate with reliable wholesalers. Often new resellers may have no idea where to start looking for trustworthy suppliers. Many suppliers are completely against the idea of drop shipping. However, these resellers remain unaware that there are also many business-er in UK genuinely interested in collaborating with resellers. Therefore, the main issue lies in connecting these resellers and suppliers.

Here is one great way to get started with drop shipping – approach suppliers in UK and try to convince them to take up drop shipping. There is a chance that the company may not be familiar with the concept, so you must be ready to explain everything and clarify all doubts. Since this kind of business offers more benefits for the retailer, most suppliers will be reluctant to agree to your offer right away. You must therefore convince the supplier that you will bring in lots of business for them.

Of course, if all this seems a bit too daunting, you have other options. You can easily locate reliable wholesalers in UK by subscribing to good directories. These will lead you to reputed suppliers and offer trustworthy user feedback.

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