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UK Wholesaler Advice–Don’t Spend Your Life Packing And Posting

June 2nd, 2011

Running a business is best done when you employ the best people to do each job. Best people do not necessarily mean people who are overskilled.

You need people who are just right. If they are overskilled, you are wasting money or an opportunity. Why then do most retailers do the packaging and posting themselves instead of hiring the services of a UK wholesaler?

The ideology behind such actions is that a startup business cannot afford high expenditures. However, one needs to have a good look at dropshipping in UK to really find what is expensive:

Don’t spend your time on minimum-wage jobs: Packing and posting are minimum-wage jobs. They just require some amount of manual labor.

There are no intellectual tasks or skills required. Why then must entrepreneurs waste their time with such jobs? Even if you were to do a corporate job, you would earn thrice the wages. So, it is better to outsource this job to a UK wholesaler.

Make productive use of your time: When you outsource the work, you get the time to concentrate on more important issues. It is important to realize that you only have a fixed amount of time. If you spend your day in operational activities, you do not get time to take a strategic look. Imagine a ship. If the captain is rowing the boat to save costs, who do you think is steering the ship to its destination? No one, right? What do you think are the chances that this ship will crash? Wholesalers in UK say micromanaging is the number one reason why retailers fail. They fail to understand what needs to be done and what can be outsourced to a UK wholesaler.

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